Sunday, January 25, 2009

StumbleUpon #2

So a friend of mine who is also addicted to StumbleUpon sent me this picture and it made me laugh so I had to share it.

Stumble Upon Toolbar
And of course below five sites that I stumbled across tonight...
1. Guess the Google - look at the pictures and try to guess what the google image search was. Kind of cool.
2. Unusual (and fun) Date Ideas - Some of these would actually be fun to try. Some are a little too out there LOL!
3. ZooBorns - Awwwww baby animals! How cute!
4. Reflections of Life with LEGO - Pretty cool but some people obviously have too much time on their hands.
5. Raised Doughnuts - Mmmmmmmm I am going to have to make these some day!!!